Welcome to Havehope Daycare!

Havehope Day Care is located in Lawrenceville Ga. We are a family run business, and family is important. HaveHope Day Care is not satisfied until YOU are satisfied. Our goal is to provide quality care for a affordable price. Havehope works hard to make you comfortable and secure in entrusting your children in our care. We believe in educating and loving all children. When it comes to your kids, nothing less than the highest standards will do. 

Our philosophy

Children are our nearing future and we must instill in them the most positive and loving qualities that we have to offer. This will ensure that our future will be bigger and brighter than ever. We see all parents and their children as our extended family and so we are invested in the success of their emotional, physical, social, and academic lives.

About us

We give it our all

Our staff consists of experienced, certified and continually trained professionals.  Warm, responsive care coupled with a secure learning environment is our core vision.  We know that the quality of relationships which your child experiences during their first 5 years of life have a deep and lasting impact on their future development, and that knowledge guides them every step of their day as we care for, enrich and teach your child.  We will care for your child like no other institution.

Our team